Prof. Dr. Gerald Preißler
Fields of competence
- Cost acointing and performance measurement
- Business Planning / Company Valuation
- Start-up consulting, coaching
- External controlling
- Benchmarking
- IFRS Reporting / IFRS Controlling
- Management Reporting / Monthly Reporting
- Divisional income statement, customer income statements, management income statements
- Sales controlling
- Key performance indicator systems, KPIs
- Experienced speaker (seminars, workshops, lectures, congresses at home and abroad)
- Senior consultant and partner of DGC
- Professor of Accounting and Controlling at the Technical University of Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm
- Diplom-Kaufmann (studies of business administration with a focus on accounting and controlling at the University of Passau)
- Semester abroad at the Universidad de Málaga, Spain
- Doctorate rer.pol. at the University of Passau
- Apprenticeship as an industrial clerk
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA) exam in New Hampshire, USA
- Specialist book author
- Worldwide implementation of training courses in the field of international accounting and controlling
- Member of the Examination Board of the Chamber of Auditors (WPK)
- Foreign languages: English, Spanish, French